miércoles, 20 de febrero de 2013

Algo fuera de la novela, algo fuera de mi historia.

 Amanda Todd.(R.I.P.)

Amanda Todd was a young girl who killed herself because of the bullying and the intimidation from part of her classmates.

If i had met Amanda Todd before she died everything would be different. Maybe i'm just a little crazy girl, and maybe i'm not so famous, but together we can make a difference. I maybe would have fought for her, for respect to the Humans Rights, for her life, because is unfair that somebody have to die just because of the abuse and the evil inside a man (everything started when she showed her boobs on webcam for an unknown man). But i just want say something: isn't just one evil person in the world, isn't just one bully that make someone feel bad, isn't just Amanda Todd, is a lot of people in the world and nobody do nothing... Please help me to fight with the Bullying, with all this inhuman shit. You can write MSG in twitter or fb, you can even just pass this, but do something and don't stay quiet. Scream loud just for say: STOP TO THE BULLYING IN WHEREVER!

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